A very warm welcome to Cookie’s corner of the web.
Pete Cook is a freelance saxophonist/teacher/arranger from London, England. Active on both the Jazz and retro Rhythm and Blues scenes, he plays gigs and festivals all over the UK, Europe, and Scandinavia.
Pete Cook is also the author of the five-star rated book Road Rat’s Tips: the musician’s guide to keeping comfortable, safe, sane and employed on the road. To visit Pete’s author site click here
Stop-press: Pete is now able to offer private tuition. Please visit the Education page by clicking the button below.
Thank you for visiting. After many years I am having to rebuild and ‘freshen-up’ my website. The old favourites (Blog, educational podcasts, etc) will be returning – please be patient!
In the meantime, you can contact me by clicking the button below.